Clinical Services

Same day access
The Same Day Access (SDA) service is a GP-led service supported by multi-skilled practitioners who will be based in the Emergency Department (ED) at the Royal Berkshire Hospital. The aim is to identify all age patients with clinically appropriate minor or low-acuity illness who are more suitable to be seen in the on-site Primary Care Centre with the aim of reducing the burden on ED.
Patients are triaged by an ANP at the front door of ED and, if suitable for the Same Day Access service, are sent to the service admin to be registered to be seen with a clinician.
The main principle is that if the patient would be safely seen in general practice, then they can be referred to the SDA clinic.
Operating hours for the service are 10am-6.30pm.
Women's health hubs
The Berkshire West Primary Care Alliance and the Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust are be piloting Women’s Health Hubs at three sites across Berkshire West. The pilot will run from 1st October 2024 to 31st March 2025.

Community wellness outreach
Opportunities for the community to receive a free NHS health check and advice to improve their health
The Community Wellness Outreach (CWO) project runs in Reading, Wokingham and West Berkshire to the end of June 2025. The partnership is funded by the Integrated Care Board (ICB) to pilot outreach activities which reduce health inequalities for our most vulnerable communities. The programme is open to all, but people at risk of developing cardiovascular conditions are our priority.