Prolapse (Pessaries)
Pelvic organ prolapse is when one or more of the organs in the pelvis slip down from their normal position and bulge into the vagina.
A vaginal pessary is a plastic or silicone device that sits inside the vagina. It helps support the walls of the vagina and should reduce the symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse. The pessary should be comfortable and help improve your quality of life.
Pessary fitting, replacement or removal might be available at your local general practice. If not, they may refer you to another practice or your local hospital.
More information about pelvic organ prolapse and pessaries can be found on the NHS website.
Women's Health Hub pilot pessary service
If your practice is part of the Women's Health Hub pilot, they will refer to a practice in your local area.
Where will I be seen?
Depending upon which area you live in, you will be seem at Melrose, Boathouse or Brookside surgeries.