About Us
Berkshire West Primary Care Alliance is a primary care provider collaborative. We have 30 general practice members. Following a vote by members, the Alliance incorporated as a Private Limited Company in June 2023.
Our mission is to support and sustain the practice ownership model. We seek to do this through:
Acting as a “united face” of primary care across Berkshire West.
Supporting the collaboration of members whilst preserving local identity.
Giving members access to skills and capabilities they could not access by working alone.
Contracting for services that need to be provided at scale.
We are not:
Commissioners of health care services. We bid for services we think would best be provided through our primary care partners.
Legal or contractual representatives of general practices, these are the respective roles of the Local Medical Committee and the Integrated Care Board.
Competitors with practices and PCNs. If a component of primary healthcare is to be commissioned and is most appropriately delivered at practice or neighbourhood level then we are quite clear that the GP practice is sovereign, and in its turn, the PCN.
You can read our Business Plan here.
Meet the team

Dr Amit Sharma

Dr Andy Cieciersk

Dr Jim Kennedy

Adrian Chamberlain

Andrew Price

Ramandeep Jhattu

Dr Elizabeth Mottram
Dr Shilpa McQuillan

Joseph Bavington

Dan Haines

Hannah Wilson